Monday, July 23, 2007

Apocalypse IV: Termination

Blech. Well, that didn't go well. Or, at least, it went ok riiiight up until the end. And then, kaput. Basically, I did not get Jericho to the top of his career fast enough. He was finally promoted the tuesday before turning into an elder. Which means he missed his window for calling and inviting Rosemarie (or whatever her name is) over by like, SIX HOURS. And he went on to transition into an elder (an uncontrollable elder, I might add) on Monday of the next week.

I did try to salvage it. During that week, I ignored the possible restriction to adopting stray pets (the rules say don't use the phone; it's unclear and I was desperate) inflicted by the Law Enforcement restriction and took on a stray lab named Hatbox. He was a really nice dog, and I immediately got him onto the Service animal career; or, at least, as immediately as taking only the first job offered can be. In other words, I got him onto the career about two days before elder transition. I made sure he knew every command so he would be able to be promoted. Then I executed my plan: I ran everything on super-fast mode (since I was unable to control any characters anyways) and only unblocked the fridge once a day. The truth is, more than once poor, starving Hatbox urged Jericho to refill his food bowl, and I allowed it to happen (actually, the first time I didn't even notice until I checked Hatbox's hunger meter). Things went along; Jericho missed a day of work and was forced to quit, but Hatbox actually got promoted. Then, soooo close, the day that Hatbox should reach the top of the career, ONE OF THOSE STUPID CHANCE CARDS POPS UP. I'll bet you can guess the result of THAT. Bah humbug. Hatbox got fired, and all hope disappeared. I exited out of Jericho's house; I plan to play the house again later, although not as an Apocalypse challenge. I really like Jericho, and I plan to see his offspring populating the restored wasteland of Brookwood someday soon.